Under the umbrella of Alliance for Community Transformations, Valley Crisis Center and Mountain Crisis Services work in collaboration with their communities to prevent domestic violence and sexual violence by advocating for positive changes in the lives of individuals and our community as a whole. Over the past several years, both agencies have been working to address issues related to Asian and Pacific Islander cultural competency.
Valley Crisis Center is proud to be located in Merced County since June, 2008. Since we opened our doors we have been extremely successful in serving victims, honoring diversity, and growing into a program that truly meets the needs of this community. Valley Crisis Center strives to foster a better understanding of domestic and sexual violence through community education while providing culturally diverse direct services that empower all victims of abuse. Valley Crisis Center initially started with one Program Director and six advocates. Six months later we hired an API Advocate due to the population of API services needed in Merced County. One of the ways Valley Crisis Center is succeeding, in relation to API cultural competency, is through offering a Hmong Children’s Group, Tso Siab. Participants in the group are aged 3-13 and they meet monthly to learn about Hmong culture, history, cooking, dance and art. Valley Crisis Center has a diverse staff and offers several bilingual services. Our 24 hour crisis hotlineis available 209-722-HELP (4357).
Mountain Crisis Services was founded in 1990 by a small group of community members who were concerned about the growing problem of Domestic Violence in Mariposa County. Our mission is to reduce the incidences of domestic violence and sexual assault by increasing awareness in the community and by providing professional and compassionate services to survivors. Mountain Crisis Services provides assistance with legal advocacy, peer counseling, case management, prevention programs, a confidential safe house, and transitional housing. Mountain Crisis Services has a 24 hour crisis hotline for victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and offers bilingual services. One of the ways the agency is growing in relation to API cultural competency is by offering cultural competency training to all staff and volunteers. By bringing awareness to and inspiring action within our community regarding the challenges and barriers that API individuals sometimes face, we continue to embrace our values of equality and respect for all.