Valley Crisis Center offers support with filing restraining orders. This includes completing the order, dropping the order off, picking the order up, going over service options, and attending court with you.
While we can help you through this process, we are not attorneys so we cannot offer legal advice or speak to the judge for you. We are here for support.
Our restraining order services are by appointment only.
Valley Crisis Center can help you file domestic violence or civil harassment restraining orders depending on your relationship to the person you want protected from.
Valley Crisis Center is limited to filing restraining orders to:
Yes and no. If you have pictures you want to include, please have them ready to be printed. You don’t need to print them yourself, we can do it for you.
If you have police reports, please be sure to get two copies. One will be included in the order we submit to court, the other in the package to serve the other party. We can also request the police reports but it will take longer for us to submit your order to court.
It is illegal to make copies of police reports and that is why we need two copies.
You don’t need to report any intimate partner violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking incidents to the police to get a restraining order.
However, you will have to call the police to enforce the order if it’s granted.
In order to file a restraining order, you need at least the following personal information:
When you get help with a restraining order through Valley Crisis Center, you have the option of using our address in replace of your own.
However, for your order to be seen by law enforcement in their CLET (California Law Enforcement Telecommunications) System, you do need to provide your address and some personal information. That information is not included in the paperwork to serve the person you want protected from and is not available to request from court. It will only be visible to the police. For more information on the CLET System go here.
Your appointment can take up to two hours.
Valley Crisis Center’s restraining order services are by appointment only. Please let us know during the assessment if you have an EPO so we can better assess your situation.
Valley Crisis Center can help you renew your restraining order. In order to renew your order, please reach out for an assessment at least 7 to 8 weeks before your order expires.
Valley Crisis Center will not be able to help you renew an expired order. If you wish to file a new restraining order, please reach out for an assessment.
Valley Crisis Center can help you navigate the legal system. We can answer questions and advocate with outside agencies like the police department, District Attorney’s Office, and the Superior Court.
Alliance for Community Transformations and its associated programs, including Valley Crisis Center, is a 501 (c) non-profit, tax-exempt corporation.
Our FED ID # is 77-0272319.