Valley Crisis Center provides free confidential services to all victims of intimate partner abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking and their children.

If you are unsure if our services are right for you, please call us on our 24-Hour Hotline at (209) 722-4357.

24 Hour Crisis Hotline

24-Hour Crisis Intervention

(209) 722-4357

Valley Crisis Center provides victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking a way to reach out for help 24-Hours a day, 7 Days a week through our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline. The advocates who answer this crisis line are familiar with intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, as well as the resources available to to victims in Merced County.

Not in Merced County? Advocates will try to find resources in your area.

What sort of help can I get over the phone?

You can call the crisis line at any time to get immediate crisis support. Advocates are trained to help you move through crises related to intimate partner abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking.

Advocates can provide contact information to community resources in the area you are in that fit your needs.

You can be assessed for any service provided by Valley Crisis Center via the Crisis Hotline.

After an assessment, appointments may be scheduled over the phone depending on the advocate on the line. After hours volunteers do not have access to the online appointment calendars.

24-Hour Crisis Response

We provide 24-Hour crisis response at the request of the police, emergency room or other community partners. Due to safety of staff and survivors, we cannot respond to a home without the police there. 
If you would like to speak to an advocate in person, you can come see us at our main office, or you can call the police and ask to have an advocate come out with the officer.